
Remote Automotive Diagnostic Solutions

Proactive and intelligent car diagnostics are the future of connected cars

Proactive and intelligent car diagnostics are the future of connected cars

The widespread application of automotive electronic systems and in-vehicle network technology is driving the rapid development of standardized automotive diagnostic technology. ABUP-RVDS combines automotive diagnostic technology, wireless communication technology and an in-vehicle network platform, giving the opportunity to combine the car, the owner, the diagnostic expert and the diagnostic management platform. The in-vehicle network-based diagnostic technology acquires vehicle information and sends it to the diagnostic platform, enabling real-time interaction and information sharing between inside and outside the vehicle. Diagnostic experts can access and analyse vehicle data, perform OTA upgrades and troubleshoot remotely without being physically present.

  • Complete Vehicle Factory

    Diagnosis of road test vehicles

    Diagnosis of off-site production plants

    Pre-diagnosis for OTA upgrade

    Fault monitoring for OT A upgrade Operational monitoring of operating vehicles

  • 4S Stores

    Fault warning for vehicles

    Remote diagnosis of vehicles

    Virtual diagnosis, remote assistance

    Virtual diagnosis, remote assistance

  • Car owners

    Vehicle health rating

    Vehicle maintenance advice, repair instructions Driving guidance for faulty vehicles

  • ABUP Remote Diagnosis Autonomous and controlled Personal service

    ABUP provides professional automotive electronic diagnosis/refreshing whole system solutions (parts, engineering, after-sales) and has developed various diagnostic related products independently to meet the needs of different user application scenarios for diagnosis/refreshing, and is able to provide comprehensive services for vehicle manufacturers.

  • Parts Basics Software

    We provide standardized OSEK base software modules, especially for TBOX products (SAIC Zero East, Geely, SAIC, Liuzhou, Zero Beam. BAIC, Zotye, Yundu, Changan). We develop and service TBOX products with traditional diagnostic, data communication, big data processing, remote diagnostic, remote refresh and other functions.

  • OTA platforms

    We provide professional and high quality OTA development services for entire vehicles. (Case study: mass production application in 25 car companies and over 40 car models nationwide)

  • Engineering tools

    Benchmarking Vector CANoe products, self[1]developed bus, diagnostic and refresh engineering tools, offering product-based customisation. (Case (Example: Guanzhi Automobile, Winchester, BAIC, SAIC Zero Beam, and several parts suppliers)

  • After-Sales / Remote Diagnosis

    Development of new diagnostic software for vehicle manufacturers (examples: 48 models, 39 types of controllers, 60 parts suppliers, 307 controllers in total); Development of new generation of ODX/OTX based diagnostic software: provision of diagnostic/refresh engine module.

  • The process of remote diagnosis
    Diagnostic tasks download
  • Vehicle Diagnostics Configuration
  • Generate Diagnostic Task Packages
  • Diagnostic Task Release Diagnostic
  • Task Download
  • Vehicle Diagnostics
  • Statistical analysis
  • Scenario applications for remote diagnosis
    More reliable Microservice architecture
  • Distributed Cluster Deployment

    The business is divided into different microservice applications according to business rules and deployed in distributed clusters. Using hardware load balancing devices or application software load balancing, service requests can be switched to the corresponding redundant services when needed to ensure that - if one node is down - there are still other nodes available to provide services.

  • Application fault isolation

    Each cluster node application is registered to the registry, and the service registry detects the status of each microservice application. When the service provider is detected to be unavailable, it will broadcast the fault service information to all nodes in the cluster, and when the consumer receives the service fault notification message, the fault node will be isolated according to the service name and IP address in the fault information. The fault isolation minimises the damage caused by the fault and improves the overall capability of the system to provide external services.

  • Routing fault tolerance

    The system implements routing fault tolerance through the Gateway, which provides reliable system access when microservice applications in the cluster fail to invoke it, using the routing fault tolerance mechanism.

  • Fuse protection

    The fusion policy protects the upstream services in the cluster from being overstressed, in the event that some nodes in the cluster crash completely without our knowledge. The system uses anomaly detection to complete the fusion function, by periodically and dynamically detecting anomalies in the upstream cluster to determine if some hosts are abnormal, and if anomalies are found, the hosts are isolated from the connection pool, this is called outlier detection.

  • Flow Control

    The system shall, through the flow control mechanism for service requests, control the flow of a small number of transactions with a high degree of impact during the time when the performance of the system fluctuates, so as to ensure the smooth operation of the system. The platform shall implement flow control for the system based on the logical architecture of the system, based on the transaction flow and transaction status at different levels of each sub-system and the determined control strategy and control rules. When there are problems or attacks on external access, etc., flow control is activated and services are downgraded.

  • Globalized Cloud Platform Services
  • High throughput

    Platform throughput up to 100,000TPS

  • High concurrency support

    Platform supports up to
    1 million vehicles concurrently

  • Short response times

    Platform response time less than 200ms

  • Diagnostic cloud server and management platform

  • Server expansion

    Server support for expansion
    with >100 servers

  • Safe and reliable

    SSL guaranteed data transfer,
    AES encrypted signature verification

  • Big Data

    Real-time traceability of historical
    data for vehicles issued with diagnostic tasks

  • Integrated cloud management security mechanism

    OEM cloud security

    Server access protection

    Server attack defence

    Secure storage of diagnostic data

    Connection security

    HTTPS secure links

    Transfer of encrypted content

    Device side security

    Diagnostic data CRC checks

    Diagnosing packet integrity and security

    sha256 checksum

  • Cloud Security Releases Diagnostic Tasks

  • Download signature checks for diagnostic tasks

  • Subcontract Content Correctness CRC Checks

  • Whole-Packet Integrity Sha256 Checks

  • Breakpoint/electricity renewal mechanism

  • Solution






    Enterprise Information

    Industry Research Report

    Cloud platform management

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