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ABUP is on the list of "Top 100 Enterprises with Most Investment Value in 2

2023.01.13Source:Elabi releasedWechat Moments

On January 12, the 2022 China Science and Technology Industry Development and Investment Summit Forum was launched online, and the "China Value Enterprise List" was released at the same time as the forum. As a leading company in the domestic OTA track, ABUP was listed on the list of "Investors 2022 Top 100 Companies with the Most Investment Value".

This list covers fields, including cutting-edge technologies that will change China's future (new energy vehicles, chip semiconductors, robots, aerospace, autonomous driving, biotechnology, power batteries, etc.), as well as changes in people's lifestyles and work through technological innovation. Efficient Internet and Services.
In order to find companies that continue to create value, the Investment Investor Research Institute launched through online and offline channels, and more than 4,000 companies actively signed up to participate, and conducted research from the dimensions of growth, innovation, financing, patents, activity, and influence. Assessment visit. ABUP stands out from thousands of companies and is on the list for its strength.
Based on the self-research strength and first-mover advantages in OTA products and technologies, ABUP has grown rapidly and continued to lead in the fields of automobiles and the Internet of Things, and has won the favor and recognition of customers and capital. According to the data of Gaogong Intelligent Vehicle Research Institute, ABUP has ranked first in the domestic industry in OTA third-party market share for two consecutive years. At the same time, as the first enterprise in the domestic OTA track to win the favor of capital, in October this year, ABUP completed the B round of financing, led by Guoke Xinneng, with a financing amount of nearly 100 million yuan.
At present, ABUP has served 40+ OEMs and more than 100 models in the automotive industry, and served 1500+ customers in the Internet of Things field, with more than 150 million terminal links, leading the domestic OTA industry.







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